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Jeff Duncan First to Score 100%
Blog Articles

South Carolina Congressman is Perfect on Heritage Action's Scorecard Washington - Last week, Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) became the first Member of Congress to receive a perfect score on Heritage Action for America's newly released legislative scorecard, which is a comprehensive and revealing barometer of a lawmaker's willingness to fight for conservative policies in Congress. "Congratulations to Congressman Duncan. We commend him for his consistent and steadfast conservatism in Congress,"...

Democrats Threatening Government Shutdown?
Blog Articles

After 9 months of blocking conservative reform proposals and then blaming conservatives for inaction and near government shutdowns, Democrats are now outright threatening a government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wants his way...or the highway, as President Obama would say. Even though his disaster relief bill passed the Senate and disaster relief is included in the upcoming Continuing Resolution (CR), Mr. Reid is still threatening to shut down...

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum Commit to Reconciliation
Blog Articles

Yesterday, we wrote about our CEO Michael Needham's question for the candidates in last night's debate. When asked by the Washington Post what Mr. Needham would ask the candidates, he responded: "A third of small business owners say Obamacare is one of the biggest hurdles they face to hiring new workers and budget analysts estimate it is a trillion-dollar budget buster. Given its negative impact on the economy and federal...

Postal Reform: a Serious and Necessary Effort
Blog Articles

Today [Thursday], the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will markup the Postal Reform Act of 2011. This bold piece of legislation addresses the fiscal and structural crisis that the Postal Service faces today. The situation has become so dire that even after the Postmaster General took some unusual but necessary steps to cut costs, Congress still had to act to prevent them from defaulting on a $5.5 billion payment...

Congressional Profile: Sen. Mike Lee (R-Ut)
Blog Articles

Currently tied for 1st place on our Legislative Scorecard, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is a fitting choice for the premier of our new blog segment: Member of the Week. Sen. Lee currently has a 99% rating on our scorecard, tied only with Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC). He is a staunch defender of conservative principles and does not shy away from bucking party leadership. Senator Lee was born in Mesa, Arizona...

Issue Profile: Sen. Mike Lee's (R-Ut) Bba
Blog Articles

The final segment in our Member of the Week profile is to highlight an issue close to the Senator. This week we will highlight Sen. Lee's Balanced Budget Amendment. President Obama has said that Congress doesn't need a constitutional amendment to do its job, but history shows that is certainly not the case. Unless we bind our government - via a constitutional amendment - to limit their spending, government spending...