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Corporate Welfare Gets New Life in the House
Blog Articles

Ronald Reagan once said that, "The closest thing to eternity is a government program." Case in point: The Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank, which has made most every conservative list of programs to eliminate over the last few decades. The House Financial Services Committee-controlled by Republicans-recently passedlegislation (H.R. 2072) to reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank, which is nothing more than corporate welfare to corporations that export. It was passed without a recorded vote...

Time to Bypass the White House [Out of Date]
Press Releases

Heritage Action Targets 61 Districts in Effort to Send BBA to the States Washington—This week, Heritage Action will launch a campaign in support of H.J.Res. 1, a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The multidimensional campaign, targeting 61 districts across the country, will pressure key Members of Congress and give the Balanced Budget Amendment the optimal chance of success in the U.S. House of Representatives. "This...

Heritage Action Statement on Boehner Debt Plan
Press Releases

In response to the debt plan outlined by House Speaker John Boehner, Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham released the following statement: Heritage Action is eager to review the details of the latest plan. As we have said, we are a "no" on raising the debt limit and will remain a "no" unless a proposal drives down federal spending and borrowing while protecting America, rejects tax increases and includes the...

Why Getting Our Debt Under Control Is so Important
Blog Articles

America is at a crossroads. Will we embrace American exceptionalism or will accept a slow, managed decline? The outcome of the 2010 elections signaled that our nation's founding principles still resonate with Americans of all stripes. The current struggle over whether and how to raise our nation's debt ceiling is another battle in the long war over what sort of country we leave our children and grandchildren. The debate has...

Heritage Action's Ceo on Heritage in Focus
Press Releases

This week, Heritage Action's CEO Michael Needham discusses the ongoing debt limit negotiations with Heritage in Focus host David Weinberger. When speaking about the President's insistence on tax hikes, Mr. Needham stated simply: Here's the facts: The House of Representatives is the only body in Washington that has done its job. In April it passed a budget, the Ryan budget, it was a bold budget, that starts to save the...

When Will Obama Pivot to Gas Prices?
Blog Articles

Last week, President Obama played tough, scolding Congress as he tried to pivot the national political narrative to job creation. The President's pivot, which he's tried numerous times before, includes a host of excuses like "headwinds" and "uncertainty" but little in the way of real solutions. A recent uptick in gasoline prices, gone largely unnoticed by the Washington crowd that was focused on raising America's debt ceiling, will make job...

Do We Need the Nat Gas Act? (Uh...No!)
Blog Articles

In the rush to create jobs, Congress tends to do some rather ridiculous things (think stimulus). One of the ideas that continues to float around Washington is the NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380). It would provide a host of generous tax subsidies to encourage the production, purchase and use of natural gas vehicles. Those subsidies include up to a $100,000 credit for installation of a commercial fueling station. Do we really...

Terminating the Liberal Agenda
Blog Articles

Every expansion of big government starts with a lofty, often inspiring goal. Politicians and interest groups identify a problem, and in turn, identify a corresponding government solution. Of course, more often than not, those solutions fail - or even worse, cause further harm. The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is one such entity. In 1974, a bipartisan majority in Congress and President Richard Nixon created the federally funded organization under the...

Heritage Action Releases Legislative Scorecard
Press Releases

Conservative Scorecard Doesn't Grade on a Curve Washington—On Thursday, Heritage Action for America unveiled its legislative scorecard, a comprehensive and revealing barometer of a lawmaker's willingness to fight for conservative policies in Congress. "With each vote cast in Congress, freedom either advances or recedes," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "Heritage Action's scorecard will empower Americans to hold their Members of Congress accountable to conservative principles." "I am so...

Heritage Action Releases Legislative Scorecard
Blog Articles

Conservative Scorecard Doesn't Grade on a Curve Washington - On Thursday, Heritage Action for America unveiled its legislative scorecard, a comprehensive and revealing barometer of a lawmaker's willingness to fight for conservative policies in Congress. "With each vote cast in Congress, freedom either advances or recedes," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "Heritage Action's scorecard will empower Americans to hold their Members of Congress accountable to conservative principles." "I...

Fema Offsets Set Left Ablaze
Blog Articles

Another hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic and fires rage in Oklahoma and Texas. Meanwhile, all across the country, Americans are working to rebuild after spring floods, summer tornados and Hurricane Irene. Enter the federal government. State and local officials often look to Washington for financial assistance after a disaster strikes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a product of the Carter administration, is frequently a governor's best friend, doling...