"NO" on H.R. 2887—Surface and Air Transportation Programs Extension Act of 2011
"NO" on H.R. 2887—Surface and Air Transportation Programs Extension Act of 2011
This week, Congress will vote on H.R. 2887, the Surface and Air Transportation Programs Extension Act of 2011, which provides for a temporary extension of surface and air transportation programs. In particular, the 6 month extension of highway funding sets funding levels significantly above those passed in the House budget earlier this year, continues to spend funds on programs that should not be funded and misses an opportunity to provide states flexibility in how they spend on transportation. Additionally, no CBO score is available.
Heritage Action opposes H.R. 2887 and will include it as a key vote in our scorecard.
"NO" on H.R. 2887—Surface and Air Transportation Programs Extension Act of 2011