KEY VOTE: "NO" on Nomination of Alison Nathan

KEY VOTE: Senate · Oct 13, 2011

"NO" on Nomination of Alison Nathan

"NO" on Nomination of Alison Nathan

Today, the Senate will vote on the nomination of Alison Nathan to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Nathan believes that foreign law can be used when determining the meaning of the U.S. Constitution. Not only does she lack courtroom experience, Nathan has less than the required 12 years of legal practice to qualify for an ABA rating.

Heritage Action opposes the nomination of Alison Nathan and will include the vote on her nomination as a key vote in our scorecard.


Heritage Action's Scorecard
Judicial Action Group Opposes Alison Nathan
SDNY Nominee Alison J. Nathan

"NO" on Nomination of Alison Nathan