KEY VOTE: "NO" on Continuing Resolution

KEY VOTE: House · Sep 19, 2011

"NO" on Continuing Resolution

"NO" on Continuing Resolution

In May, the House passed the Ryan budget, which proposed sweeping changes that would set our nation on a more sustainable and prosperous course. Unfortunately, on Wednesday, the House is expected to vote on a continuing resolution (CR) that exceeds the discretionary spending caps put forth by the Ryan budget. H.J.Res. 79, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, would fund the government through November 18, 2011 at an annual level of $24 billion above the House-passed Ryan budget. Heritage Action supports the funding levels in the Ryan budget, not the inflated levels in the August debt deal, which would cost taxpayers an additional $3 billion over the next month-and-a-half.

Heritage Action opposes H.J.Res. 79 and will include it as a key vote in our scorecard.

Related Links:

Heritage Action's Scorecard
Where's the Ryan Budget?
Key Vote: "YES" on Ryan Budget

"NO" on Continuing Resolution