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Ryan Budget Does Not Hurt Seniors
Blog Articles

UPDATE:The liberal assault on conservative reform continues. FACT FICTION President Obama and his big-government allies would rather mislead the American people and make a campaign issue out of entitlement reform than actually rolling up their sleeves and contributing to the discussion. Liberal campaign organizations are spending millions in order to paint the Ryan Budget as "an end to Medicare." The DCCC has launched a campaign with the slogan, "VOTE REPUBLICAN...

Update: More Pull Off Nat Gas Act
Blog Articles

This week, nine more Congressmen pulled off the NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380). Kudos to: Larry Bucshon (R-IN) Mike Coffman (R-CO) Scott Tipton (R-CO) Cory Gardner (R-CO) Mike Kelly (R-PA) John Kline (R-MN) Blake Farenthold (R-TX) Richard Nugent (R-FL) Scott Rigell (R-VA) Thanks to the efforts of conservatives around the country, thirteen Congressmen have pulled off the bill and dozens more have refused to add their names to a bill because...

Do Not Lard up the Ftas
Blog Articles

The benefits of the free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea are clear, and Congress must resist the temptation to lard up these job-creating agreements with an ineffective and costly welfare program. In today's political and economic climate, Congress should embrace policies that create viable jobs without government largess and deficit spending. The free trade agreements would do just that by opening new opportunities for American businesses, which...

Press Release: Supporting the Magnificent 11
Blog Articles

Innovative Facebook Application Supports Courageous Conservatives Washington, D.C. - Today, Heritage Action launched the second element of its $300,000 Magnificent 11 campaign. After covering 11 districts with direct mail earlier this month, Heritage Action unveiled an innovative Facebook application supporting 11 courageous conservatives. "We are all grateful for the unflinching commitment to conservative principles shown by the Magnificent 11," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needhamsaid. "America needs more lawmakers willing...

Update: Who Really Supports the Nat Gas Act (Part 1)
Blog Articles

The NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380) lost another supporter yesterday, bringing the total number of defections to 14. With good conservatives pulling off the bill, it's worth exploring who actually supports the NAT GAS Act? You may be surprised to learn that nearly 1 in 10 supporters of the NAT GAS Act are also supporters of H.R.1084, the FRAC Act. The legislation would place significant regulatory hurdles on hydraulic fracturing, a...

Walking Away From Biden-Led Negotiations Was Right Call
Blog Articles

Earlier today, the Biden-led debt ceiling talks collapsed, as House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) pulled out because Democrats were unwilling to take tax increases off the table. Our debt crisis was created by overspending, not undertaxing, and until Democrats in Washington accept that reality, we will make no progress in heading off this crisis. Leader Cantor and Senator Kyl did the right...

Who Really Supports the Nat Gas Act (Part 2)
Blog Articles

The NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380) has caused quite a stir around Washington. As CQ (sub. req'd) writes, "Federal energy subsidies are under fire from conservative groups, and organizations including Heritage Action for America and the American Conservative Union are pressing Republicans to oppose the natural gas vehicle legislation as a costly and unnecessary government intrusion into energy markets." Last week, supporters released a letter claiming "American Businesses Endorse NAT GAS...

Open Letter: "No" on Debt Deal "Unless"
Press Releases

Heritage Action is a "no" and will remain a "no" unless a deal rises to the level of the substantial fiscal challenges which face our nation. Debt negotiations are intensifying and conservatives are growing increasingly skeptical that the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are willing to do what it takes to put America back on a path to prosperity. On Wednesday, Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham sent a...

Open Letter: "No" on Debt Deal "Unless"
Blog Articles

Heritage Action is a "no" and will remain a "no" unless a deal rises to the level of the substantial fiscal challenges which face our nation. Debt negotiations are intensifying and conservatives are growing increasingly skeptical that the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are willing to do what it takes to put America back on a path to prosperity. On Wednesday, Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham sent a...

Obama: Neither the Will nor Ideas
Press Releases

It's all debt ceiling all the time in Washington. The Senate canceled its July 4th recess so Senators can be in town. The House is back. And former President Bill Clinton has some advice for current President Barack Obama: don't blink. Don't blink on what? Tax increases. According to the Wall Street Journal, Democrats have proposed raising taxes by nearly $400 billion over the next decade. Of course, the tax...