Amendments to the Energy & Water Appropriations Bill
Amendments to the Energy & Water Appropriations Bill
This week, the House will hold votes on H.R. 2354, the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2012. Thus far, Heritage Action will be key voting the following:
"YES" on McClintock Amendment
The amendment would cut spending and eliminate numerous programs that would save $3.25 billion. The savings would be transferred to the Spending Reduction Account.
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Subsidies: Eliminate this spending, savings of $1.304 billion.
- Nuclear Energy Subsidies: Reduce by $289.4 million.
- Fossil Fuels Research Subsidies: Eliminates and saves $477 million.
- Office of Science, Department of Energy: Reduce by $820 million.
- Advanced Research Projects Agency: Eliminate and save $100 million. (Program created by COMPETES Act).
- Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program: Eliminate and save $160 million.
- Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program: Eliminate and save $6 million.
- Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs: Fund at President's request and save $500,000.
- Eliminate the Regional Commissions-Appalachian, Delta, Denali, Northern Border, and Southern Crescent: saves $90 million.
Related Links:
Heritage Action Announces Legislative Scorecard
Heritage: Department of Energy Spending Cuts: A Guide to Trimming President Obama's 2012 Budget Request
Amendments to the Energy & Water Appropriations Bill