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Gop Unveils Bold Budget Proposal
Blog Articles

Spending Cuts and Reforms, Not Tax Increases, Will Spur Economy Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republicans unveiled a sweeping budget proposal. America's current path is unsustainable and House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan's budget seeks to set our nation on a different, more sustainable and prosperous course. Heritage Action for America's CEO Michael A. Needham made the following statement: For years, Chairman Ryan and many of us on the outside have...

57% Of Americans Support Repeal of Obamacare
Blog Articles

A new survey by Rasmussen shows that Americans remain overwhelmingly in favor of repealing the President's takeover of healthcare, which became law last year. The telephone survey shows that 57% of likely U.S. voters support repealing the 2000 page bill. Only 36% oppose repealing it. This is the largest bump in support of the repeal effort since the President signed the bill in March of 2010. Currently, 87% of Republicans...

Sen. Toomey (R-Pa.) Releases Budget
Press Releases

Today, Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) released his budget proposal, which would dramatically reduce spending. Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham made the following statement: The time to confront our fiscal challenges is now and we commend those who are willing to put forward a plan. Heritage Action strongly believes that in order to save Medicare, we must reform it now. The program's unsustainable future is impossible to ignore. While not...

Heritage Action Announces Legislative Scorecard
Press Releases

Today, Heritage Action formally announced the creation of a legislative scorecard. Roll Call's headline was simple and to the point: Heritage Advocacy Arm Tells Members: We're Watching Below is the text of a letter from Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham that our government relations team sent to the Hill: In order to maximize the ability of Heritage Action for America to highlight the important legislative activities and decisions made...

Saving the American Dream
Press Releases

Today, The Heritage Foundation unveiled their plan to save the American dream. Their groundbreaking report is heavy on policy, laying out detailed recommendations on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, the tax code, and federal spending. Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner said: Saving the American Dream is our plan to fix the debt, cut spending and, above all, restore prosperity. It balances the nation's budget within a decade-and keeps it...

More Cronyism With Obamacare Waivers
Blog Articles

President Obama's administration claims that there is no cronyism involved in granting waivers from provisions in the Obamacare law, but when AARP becomes really makes you wonder. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized its rate review rules and decided to exempt providers of "Medigap" policies. AARP just so happens to be the nation's largest seller of such policies. And oh, by the way, the AARP donated...