Amendments to the Ag Appropriations Bill
Amendments to the Ag Appropriations Bill
Key Vote Alert: "YES" on Flake Amendment to H.R. 2112
The Flake amendment to H.R. 2112, the Fiscal Year 2012 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, would reduce the adjusted gross income (AGI) limit for receiving farm payments to $250,000, regardless of whether it comes from on-farm or off-farm sources. Currently, a farmer with an AGI of less than $1,250,000 can receive taxpayer-funded farm payments.
Heritage Action supports this amendment and will include it as a key vote in our scorecard.
Key Vote Alert: "YES" on Chaffetz Amendment to H.R. 2112
The Chaffetz amendment would cut an additional 10.4 percent—$1.8 billion—from H.R. 2112, the Fiscal Year 2012 Agriculture Appropriations Bill. This amendment specifically eliminates the Food for Peace program, and halves the funding for four duplicative services for USDA. The amendment not only shows a commitment to the cut, cap and balance approach to raising the debt ceiling, but also eliminates wasteful spending.
Heritage Action supports this amendment and will include it as a key vote in our scorecard.
Heritage Action Announces Legislative Scorecard
Heritage: How to Cut $343 Billion from the Federal Budget
Amendments to the Ag Appropriations Bill