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House Pulls Ineffective Taa Extension
Blog Articles

Good stuff is happening in the House of Representatives. House Republican Leaders decided not to pursue an extension of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, which we noted was both ineffective and costly. Given the way Washington works, the bill is likely to appear on the House schedule in the future, though. Heritage Action will keep you posted. For more information on the TAA, read this excellent Heritage primer by...

When $100 Billion Isn't $100 Billion
Blog Articles

House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) just announced his intent to "cut $100 billion in spending in the upcoming Continuing Resolution (CR) compared to the President's fiscal year 2011 request." Heritage Action has been pushing for $100 billion in spending cuts, but we've been very clear those cuts must come from non-security spending. Chairman Rogers' release does not specify the security/non-security breakdown, meaning his proposal will likely include the original...

Cutting Another $20 Billion, and Fulfilling the Pledge
Blog Articles

On Tuesday, the House began consideration of a 7-month continuing resolution, which would fund the government for the rest of fiscal year 2011. When compared to the President's request, the CR will decrease discretionary spending by $99.6 billion. This is a good start and we are happy to see the numbers moving in the right direction, but these cuts still do not fully meet the requirements House Republicans laid out...

Cr Wrap up: Democrats Only Ones Talking Government Shutdown
Blog Articles

Last week the House concluded its work on the continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year. The House worked tirelessly and late into the night the entire week to identify necessary spending cuts as they crafted a bill to fund the government, something the previous Congress neglected to do. At the end of a long week, the House passed a bill that would...

After Action Report: Hr 1
Blog Articles

Update: Conservatives all around the country are taking notice: Hot Air, Big Government, NRO, American Spectator and the OC Register. -- Last week, the House of Representatives passed a measure to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year and cut $61 billion in the process. The bill was considered under an open amendment process, and there were hundreds of amendments offered and over a hundred votes cast...

Heritage Action Supports the Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act
Blog Articles

Heritage Action for America strongly supports Senator John Barrasso's (R-WY) and Representative Tim Walberg's (R-MI) Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act (S.228 / H.R.750). The legislation would preempt the regulation of greenhouse gases under federal law for the purposes of combating global warming. Read the Letter of Support for S.228Read the Letter of Support for H.R.750Read the Issue Brief The importance of such preemption cannot be understated. According to...

Heritage Action: No More Short-Term Crs
Press Releases

Yesterday, the President signed a two-week funding measure into law. The measure would cut $4 billion in spending and gives the President and Senate Democrats until March 18th to either agree to the original House-passed measure or offer an alternative. Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham made the following statement: It is time for Senate Democrats to stop passing the buck and follow regular order by acting on H.R.1, including...

Heritage Action: No More Short-Term Crs
Blog Articles

Yesterday, the President signed a two-week funding measure into law. The measure would cut $4 billion in spending and gives the President and Senate Democrats until March 18th to either agree to the original House-passed measure or offer an alternative. Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham made the following statement: It is time for Senate Democrats to stop passing the buck and follow regular order by acting on H.R.1, including...

Driving the Day: the Time to Cut Spending Is Now
Press Releases

This morning, our friends at The Heritage Foundation released an open letter from the Foundation's president, Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. Here is the key excerpt: The debate then boils down to this: House Republicans have passed a bill cutting about six days of deficit spending; Senate Democrats have offered to cut the equivalent of a half-day of deficit spending. For the President and the liberals in the Senate to threaten...

Rep. Tim Huelskamp Stands Tall in Budget Showdown
Blog Articles

Yesterday, Heritage Action for America, Club for Growth, and Family Research Council released a joint statement announcing their opposition to the three-week continuing resolution on floor of the House of Representatives next week, and their decision to "key vote" the extension on their respective scorecards. In doing so, they joined Mark Levin, Erick Erickson, and others, who are calling for conservatives to step up and lead by blocking this legislation...

Courage in the Face of Blackmail
Blog Articles

Many conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill are coming out against the proposed 3-week short term CR extension. The press -- ever infatuated with GOP infighting -- wants to write a story about Republican on Republican violence over the issue of whether the abortion and Obamacare riders are attached to the overall bill. And to be sure, there is indeed a significant difference of opinion here between many conservatives and their...

Open Letter: No More Short-Term Crs
Blog Articles

There is a growing conservative rebellion against additional short-term funding measures. Today, Heritage Action's CEO Michael Needham sent a letter to Congress outlining our opposition. The text of the letter is below: March 14, 2011 Dear Congressman, As you know, last week Heritage Action for America announced - in conjunction with our allies at FRC Action and Club for Growth - we would be key voting against a new short-term...

The Strategy of Short-Term Cr Opponents: a Response to Keith Hennessey
Blog Articles

Keith Hennessey critiqued opponents of the short-term CR making the case that our intransience is hurting the cause. It has been endlessly forwarded around to conservatives since yesterday. Keith argues that the short-term strategy is better because it allows the spending cut coalition to avoid the pitfalls of a public shutdown fight. He argues that conservatives who disagree either have no strategic plan and/or want to reward themselves individually or...

Heritage Action Impact on Spending Debate
Blog Articles

Since announcing our opposition to the three-week spending bill, along with FRC Action and the Club for Growth, our stance has driven media coverage of Congressional action. Our unique formula of a DC-based team and conservatives across the country is working, holding Members of Congress accountable to their conservative mandate. The press clips below demonstrate our initial success in driving the debate, but we have a lot of work to...