Press Releases · Oct 18, 2017 · Healthcare

GOP Splits on Repealing Obamacare's Regulatory Architecture

Washington—This evening, 32 Republican Senators voted in favor of an amendment (#1430) offered by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) to H. Con. Res. 71 that...

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Press Releases · Oct 16, 2017 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending

Heritage Action will Score Vote-A-Rama Amendments

Washington—This afternoon, the Senate began consideration of the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Resolution (H. Con. Res. 71). Heritage Action views this particular budget, which...

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Press Releases · Oct 12, 2017 · Healthcare

Trump Administration Cancels Illegal Obamacare Insurer Subsidies

Washington—Following a "thorough legal review," the Trump administration announced last night that it "believe[s] that the last Administration overstepped the legal boundaries" by distributing...

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Press Releases · Oct 4, 2017 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending

Heritage Action Opposes $16 Billion Bailout of Federal Flood Program

Washington—On Wednesday, the Trump administration submitted a $29 billion disaster supplemental request to Congress. The request included $12.77 billion for the Federal Emergency Management...

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Press Releases · Oct 4, 2017 · Taxes

Congress Takes Key Steps on Tax Reform

Washington—Today, the House of Representatives finally approved its fiscal year 2018 budget resolution and the Senate Budget Committee approved its version of the measure...

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Press Releases · Oct 3, 2017 · Taxes

Swamp Creatures Attempt to Drown Tax Reform

Washington—According to multiple reports, congressional Republicans are reconsidering their plan to eliminate the roughly $1.3 to $1.8 trillion state and local tax deductions and...

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