Press Releases · Nov 15, 2017 · Taxes

House Votes Yes, Propels Tax Reform Forward

Washington—Today, the House passed its version of a sweeping overhaul of our nation’s tax code, moving our nation one step closer to achieving major...

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Press Releases · Nov 8, 2017 · Healthcare, Taxes

Ending Obamacare Mandate will Advance Tax Reform

Washington—Tax reform continues to move forward in Washington as the House Ways and Means Committee nears the end of its work on the Tax...

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Press Releases · Nov 1, 2017 · Taxes

House Republicans Unveil Tax Reform Plan

Washington—This morning, the House Ways and Means Committee released preliminary legislative text of a sweeping overhaul of America's long outdated tax code. Similar to...

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Washington—This morning, Heritage Action released a letter signed by 146 real estate professionals from all across the country in support of tax reform. The...

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Press Releases · Oct 25, 2017 · Taxes

House Passes Budget, Officially Begins Tax Reform Effort

Washington—This morning, the House approved the Senate-passed Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Resolution (H. Con. Res. 71), which contains reconciliation instructions for a $1.5 trillion...

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Press Releases · Oct 19, 2017 · Taxes

Senate Adopts Budget, Advances Tax Reform

Washington—This evening, the Senate adopted the the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Resolution (H. Con. Res. 71), which contains reconciliation instructions for a $1.5 trillion...

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