Washington—Heritage Action is spending $2.5 million in 12 congressional districts this election cycle. Through a combined digital, print, and TV advertising campaign, Heritage Action...

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Washington—This week, the House will vote on a package of health insurance reform bills to expand the size and scope of Health Savings Accounts...

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Press Releases · Jul 24, 2018 · Budget and Spending

Congress Should Reject NFIP Extension Absent Reforms

Washington—Today, the House will consider an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (S. 1182) through November 30th under suspension of the rules. This...

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Washington—On Wednesday, the House Appropriations Committee will markup the FY19 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill. This markup provides Congress with...

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Washington—Tonight, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Like Justice Neil Gorsuch...

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Washington—Earlier today, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the United States Supreme Court after more than thirty years of service. First...

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