Washington—Today in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court overturned long-standing precedent preventing states from forcing out-of-state businesses to collect and remit their state sales...

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Washington—Over the past week, it has been reported that 2,000 undocumented immigrant children are currently being held by Health and Human Services at the...

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Washington—Next week, the House is expected to vote on two separate immigration proposals drafted by Republican lawmakers. While the proposals will vary in scope...

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Washington—A revised anti-money laundering bill was scheduled to be marked-up in the House Financial Service Committee today named the Counter Terrorism and Illicit Finance...

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Washington—Jessica Anderson will be returning to Heritage Action as vice president after serving for 16 months in the Trump administration’s Office of Management and...

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Washington—This morning, Heritage Action for America announced Tim Chapman will serve as the organization’s new executive director, effective immediately. In that capacity, Chapman will...

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