Surprise Medical Billing – Congress' “Fix” Falls Short

Press Releases · Dec 11, 2019

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action for America released the following statement from Executive Director Tim Chapman:

One of the most important relationships Americans have is with their doctor, and when bureaucracy gets in the way, the patient suffers. Americans are understandably frustrated by health care billing practices that result in unexpected bills or charges. President Trump and congressional leaders are attempting to end this practice, but it is important they do so in ways that truly fix the problems and not create new ones.
The recent surprise billing proposal released by committee leaders on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the House Energy and Commerce committees is a flawed approach. It relies on sweeping federal intervention by establishing a government price-setting scheme that will lead to worse health outcomes and higher costs for patients. It also forces doctors and insurers into contracts to which they did not agree. The proposal is anti-free market, anti-competition, and most importantly will not end surprise medical bills.
The President and Congress can, and should, embrace market-based solutions that empower Americans to better understand the costs of their health care upfront and that end deceiving advertisements from providers and insurance companies. Through price transparency and basic fairness for patients we can end surprise billing and score a major victory for Americans.