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Heritage Action Condemns Rumored New Start Deal
Press Releases

Cynical Washington Ploy using National Security as a Chit Washington—Several news outlets are reporting that Senate Republicans are preparing to cut a deal that would exchange ratification of New START and extension of unemployment insurance for a temporary reprieve from the coming tax hikes. "Senate Republicans must not use a nuclear treaty as a chit," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "Americans rejected this sort of backroom deal making...

Heritage Action Condemns Rumored New Start Deal
Blog Articles

Cynical Washington Ploy using National Security as a Chit Washington - Several news outlets are reporting that Senate Republicans are preparing to cut a deal that would exchange ratification of New START and extension of unemployment insurance for a temporary reprieve from the coming tax hikes. "Senate Republicans must not use a nuclear treaty as a chit," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "Americans rejected this sort of backroom...

Thune Steps up Against New Start
Blog Articles

Today Senator John Thune came out with a statement calling on the Senate to put the brakes on the New START Treaty. In his statement, Thune said: "New START is a deeply flawed treaty that would have far reaching consequences for America's national security. Pushing this through the Senate during a lame-duck session with the hopes of using the Christmas holiday as a backstop is irresponsible. This treaty should not...

Senate Republicans and the Lost Art of Negotiation
Blog Articles

So let's get this straight. In an attempt to extend current income tax rates for a measly two years, Senate Republicans are getting ready to cave on a year long fight to ensure that additional unemployment benefits are paid for, reinstate the death tax, renew the President's welfare spending in the tax code (the Making Work Pay tax credit which is a subsidy to people who don't pay taxes), and...

Senate Ratifies President's Dangerous Treaty
Blog Articles

Earlier today, the U.S. Senate voted to ratify President Obama's dangerously flawed New START Treaty. The treaty, touted by the White House as a major foreign policy victory, would undermine America's national security by restricting our missile defense capabilities, limiting our non-nuclear offensive arsenal and ignoring the threat posed by Russia's tactical nuclear arsenal. Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham made the following statement: All eyes are now on the...

House Rules Package Is a Nice First Step to Control Spending
Blog Articles

Just before the holidays, House Republican leaders released their proposed "rules" package for the next Congress. It will be considered first on January 4th by House Republicans alone, and then thereafter by the full House of Representatives. Since the House is not a continuing body (like the Senate), it must adopt a new set of rules and procedures every two years when a new Congress is sworn in. Normally, they...

Repeal! House to Vote Next Week
Blog Articles

Last night, House Republicans unveiled their plan to repeal Obamacare and begin the difficult process of reforming America's health care system. Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised Obamacare would help Democrats in the midterm elections, but nothing was further from the truth. Not only is Obamacare a politically liability, it is a liability to patients, doctors, small businesses, families and the economy. Last year, Heritage Action and conservative activists around...

Heritage Action Heads Outside the Beltway
Blog Articles

Today, Heritage Action for America announced the hiring of state directors in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Jessica Anderson and Leo Knepper will head the group's efforts in those states, building a robust grassroots organization focused on repealing Obamacare, reining in spending and rolling back the explosive growth of government. Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham praised Jessica's and Leo's deep roots in state politics, saying their knowledge of the states...

Updated: House Passes Rule to Take up Obamacare Repeal
Blog Articles

We've previously linked to HR 2, the two page bill that would repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Today, the House passed a rule that will bring up that bill for debate on Wednesday, the 12th. Now is the time to urge your Representative to vote for this important bill. UPDATE (h/t Politico): The four Democrats who supported Republicans in the procedural vote Friday all opposed health care reform in March...

Report: Russia to Amend Start Treaty
Blog Articles

The week before Christmas, the Senate ratified a dangerously flawed nuclear treaty with Russia. We were told time was of the essence - the treaty must be ratified, and quick. Unfortunately, 71 Senators bought into the hyperbolic rhetoric and voted in favor of the treaty. Now, Russia's parliament is slow walking their ratification process and threatening to amend the treaty. According to Stratford: The Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee...

Washington Establishment and Business as Usual
Blog Articles

Yesterday, the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, traditionally viewed as a Republican leaning organization, came out in strong support of raising the debt limit. He characterized efforts to make substantial and immediate cuts in spending as "a lot of political carrying on." Americans across the political spectrum disagree with the Chamber's approach. According to a Reuters poll, 71% of Americans oppose raising the debt limit. Their apprehension is...

Repealing Obamacare, and the Senate
Blog Articles

Prognosticators are rarely held accountable in Washington, but Senate Democrats may want to consider holding Chuck Schumer accountable for his analysis of the benefits of Obamacare. Last March, Sen. Schumer smugly predicted, "by November those who voted for healthcare will find it an asset and those who voted against it will find it a liability." Well, November has come and gone and it is safe to say the 65 House...

Heritage Action' S ' State of the Union'
Blog Articles

On Tuesday, the President will give his State of the Union address. I thought we'd take a moment to reflect on the state of Heritage Action since opening our doors in June of 2010. Click through to see our success on repeal and New START, our work on Capitol Hill and in districts, and our goals for 2011. Repeal Our inaugural issue was the repeal of Obamacare. Heritage Action was...

Doubling Down on Debt Hysteria
Blog Articles

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." For the past two years, that has been the motto of the Obama administration. Rahm Emanuel's candid statement as chief of staff drove the White House agenda. Using the fledging economy as their excuse, they broke through the traditional limitations of America's government - take any and everything we can get from Congress and the American people. Presidential hysterics and...

Thoughts From the Reagan Library
Blog Articles

Update: after the retreat, Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham outlined our spending game plan. In defeating Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan changed the course of human history and rescued our nation from its deep malaise. 31 years later -- as we near what would have been Reagan's 100th birthday -- America once again needs rescuing. Liberals in Washington have controlled the reins of power for two years and have worked hard...

Youcut Can't Cut a $100 Billion?
Blog Articles

I'm going to be honest. I never liked the Republican Pledge to America. It wasn't much of a governing document and completely lacked the sort of boldness needed to give a new Republican Congress a real mandate to fix the massive problems facing the nation. But the argument at the time was one of deliverables. House Republicans wanted to promise less and deliver more. Or so they said. One of...

Obama's Central Planning Promises
Blog Articles

Give President Obama credit for saying the right thing when he praised America's spirit of entrepreneurship in his State of the Union address. It's a shame his policies contradict his rhetoric. "None of us can predict with certainty what the next big industry will be, or where the new jobs will come from," the President said, just moments before announcing that he can, in fact, predict that 1 million electric-powered...

Conservatives Pushing Gop Right on Spending
Blog Articles

Over the weekend, we reported on the happenings at the Heritage Conservative Member Retreat at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. Many of the members in attendance were freshmen fresh off their 2010 midterm victories. Many others were seasoned conservative members of the Republican Study Committee -- the most conservative caucus in the House of Representatives. Virtually all of them had one thing in common: a determination to cut spending...

Senate Democrats Play Politics
Press Releases

Cling to Unconstitutional, Unaffordable, and Unpopular Law Washington—Early today, the Senate voted along partisan lines against repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The law, never popular among Americans, would decrease choice, increase premiums, raise taxes and add to the deficit. "It is revealing that Senate Democrats continue to cling to an unconstitutional, unaffordable and unpopular law," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "Americans deserve reform that empowers...