Press Releases · May 18, 2018 · Social Issues

Trump Administration Protects Life, Defunds Abortion Providers

Washington—This morning, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the Trump administration would re-establish a Reagan-era rule that blocks recipients of Title...

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Press Releases · May 17, 2018 · Agriculture , Welfare

Food Stamp and Farm Bill Falls Short

Washington—The House is scheduled to resume consideration of the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2). As Agri-pulse noted this morning, “House Republican...

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Press Releases · May 8, 2018 · Budget and Spending

Congress Should Pass President Trump’s Rescissions Request

Washington—This morning, the Trump administration formally requested Congress rescind more than $15 billion in previously appropriated funding. The authority for such a request comes...

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Washington—This afternoon, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) announced Michael A. Needham would serve as his next chief of staff: “Mike brings a wealth of policy...

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Press Releases · Apr 10, 2018 · Education

Military Families to Congress: We Need School Choice

Washington—This morning, Heritage Action sent a letter to Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.), Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-R.I.), and Ranking Member...

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Press Releases · Mar 22, 2018 · Budget and Spending, Healthcare

Fiscally Irresponsible Omnibus Does Not Bail Out Obamacare

Washington—On Wednesday, congressional leaders finally released an omnibus spending measure to fund the federal government through the remainder of the fiscal year. As The...

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