Press Releases · Jan 12, 2017 · Healthcare

Congress Jumpstarts Obamacare Repeal

Washington—This afternoon, the House passed S. CON. RES. 3. While the resolution will technically set the congressional budget for the United States Government for...

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Press Releases · Dec 4, 2016 · Cronyism

A Lame Duck Energy Bill

Washington—According to intel, conferees worked tirelessly over the weekend to finalize a conference report incorporating elements of the Energy Policy Modernization Act (S. 2012)...

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Press Releases · Nov 30, 2016 · Defense and National Security

Conservatives Secure Important Victory on National 'Draft'

WASHINGTON- Earlier this year, House Republicans successfully removed a provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have included America's young women...

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Press Releases · Nov 27, 2016 · Defense and National Security

Message to NDAA Conferees: Protect Religious Liberty, Russell Amendment

Washington - According to reports, lawmakers are likely to remove language drafted by Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK) from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)...

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Washington - This morning, members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) elected Rep. Mark Walker (R-NC) as the committee's chairman for the 115th Congress...

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Press Releases · Nov 14, 2016 · Cronyism

Republican Congress Must Preserve Earmark Ban

Washington - When House Republicans consider their conference rules for the 115th Congress later this week, there is likely to be an effort to...

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