Press Releases · Nov 9, 2016

The Next 71 Days

Washington -- On Tuesday, Americans voted to give Republicans control of the House, Senate and White House. Heritage Action released the following statement from...

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Press Releases · Oct 26, 2016 · Defense and National Security

NDAA Conferees Should Protect Religious Liberty, Russell Amendment

Washington - According to reports, the Obama administration is quietly signaling to congressional allies that the President may veto the National Defense Authorization Act...

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Press Releases · Oct 19, 2016 · Healthcare

Statement on President Obama's Affordable Care Act Speech

Washington -- This afternoon President Obama laid out his plan to fix the failing Affordable Care Act. Rather than focusing on skyrocketing health care...

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Press Releases · Sep 26, 2016 · Regulation

Delay Obama's Devastating Overtime Rule

Washington -- On Thursday, the House is likely to vote on the Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, Schools, and Nonprofits Act (H.R. 6094). The...

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Press Releases · Sep 21, 2016 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending

Senate Funding Bill Sets Up Lame Duck Session

Washington - This afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) unveiled a 10-week continuing resolution. The bill - the Continuing Appropriations and Military Construction...

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Press Releases · Sep 14, 2016 · Cronyism

10-Week Continuing Resolution Sets Up Lame Duck Debacle

Washington - Quiet discussions continue over the nature of the forthcoming government funding measure. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer...

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