GOP Splits on Repealing Obamacare's Regulatory Architecture

Press Releases · Oct 18, 2017

Washington—This evening, 32 Republican Senators voted in favor of an amendment (#1430) offered by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) to H. Con. Res. 71 that would have repealed Title I of Obamacare. Heritage Action key voted in favor of the amendment and released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"If you want to know why Republicans failed to repeal and ultimately replace Obamacare this year, look no further than tonight's vote. While we commend Senator Lee and others for fighting to lower premiums and increase choice for the American people, it is clear that a significant number of Republicans were not committed to following through on their campaign rhetoric. Americans are right to be cynical, and we should expect more from our elected officials."


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