Congress Takes Key Steps on Tax Reform

Press Releases · Oct 4, 2017

Washington—Today, the House of Representatives finally approved its fiscal year 2018 budget resolution and the Senate Budget Committee approved its version of the measure, setting up Senate floor consideration the week of October 16th. Once the House and Senate adopt a joint budget resolution with the appropriate reconciliation instructions, lawmakers will be able to move forward on a sweeping overhaul of America's tax code. Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"Today's budget votes represent an important step forward in the decades-long effort to reform our nation's stagnant and convoluted tax code. This once in a generation opportunity to unleash economic growth, create jobs and increase wages cannot be squandered.
"Heritage Action will continue to work with the Trump administration and lawmakers to deliver meaningful tax reform for the American people, and push back against the radical left and the special interests that will pull out every stop to preserve the status quo."


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