Press Releases · Feb 27, 2017 · Healthcare

Conservatives Raise Valid Concerns on Obamacare Replace

Washington—Conservative concerns continue to mount over a leaked, two-week old draft of House Republican leadership's Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill. Heritage Action released the following statement...

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Press Releases · Feb 7, 2017 · Taxes

Republican Cultural Elites Proposing Carbon Tax

WASHINGTON—This week, a group of Republicans publicly called for a substantial new carbon tax. These leaders, uniting under the banner of the "Climate Leadership...

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Press Releases · Feb 1, 2017 · Regulation

Congress Passes Historical Rollback of Obama-Era Regulation

WASHINGTON—Today, the Senate approved H.J.Res. 38, a House-passed resolution disapproving of the so-called "stream buffer" rule submitted in the waning days of the Obama...

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Press Releases · Feb 1, 2017 · Social Issues

Trump Administration Considering Religious Freedom Protections

WASHINGTON—This morning at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Donald Trump pledged his administration "will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious...

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Washington—This evening, President Donald Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch, who was confirmed to the Tenth Circuit in 2006 by a voice vote, to fill...

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Press Releases · Jan 29, 2017 · Healthcare

Obamacare Repeal Timeline Slipping

Washington—Last week, interim House Budget Chairwoman Diane Black (R-Tenn.) told reporters in Philadelphia to "expect that (Obamacare repeal) probably toward the latter part of...

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