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House Democrats Move to Repeal Part of Obamacare
Blog Articles

Friday morning House Democrats introduced H.R. 5982, the Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2010, scheduled to be on the floor Friday under suspension of the rules. The bill includes a provision that would repeal Sec. 9006 of PPACA (Obamacare) that required all businesses to file a 1099 form to the IRS for every transaction over $600. This burdensome reporting requirement was projected to raise taxes on small businesses by...

Release: Missourians Reject Obamacare
Press Releases

Ballot Initiative Disallows Key Pillar of New Law Washington—On Tuesday, voters in Missouri approved Proposition C, a ballot measure prohibiting governments from requiring individuals to purchase health insurance. The first-of-its-kind ballot initiative undercuts a key provision of Obamacare and provides additional momentum to the growing repeal effort in Congress. "Tonight, the people of Missouri sent a clear message to the liberal establishment in Washington," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham...

Issue Brief: Spending Limit Amendment
Blog Articles

Background: Washington's spending problem is threatening to put our nation's economy on life support. In the 1980's and 1990's, the federal government spent $21,000 per household, when adjusted for inflation. Today, they spend more than $30,000 per household, a figure that is predicted to rise to$36,000 in less than a decade. Massive government spending is suffocating private investment, the lifeblood of our economy, and causing historic deficits. Our national debt...

Release: Heritage Action Launches Campaign to Save 876, 000 Jobs
Press Releases

Washington—The largest tax increase in American history is just 70 days away. Unless Congress acts to prevent all of those tax increases, 876,000 jobs could be lost. Heritage Action for America will work with the growing, bipartisan coalition in Congress to reject the Obama Tax Hikes and save those jobs. According to new research by The Heritage Foundation, allowing taxes to increase on small businesses, families and investments will destroy...

Release: Heritage Action Launches Campaign to Save 876, 000 Jobs
Blog Articles

Washington, D.C. - The largest tax increase in American history is just 70 days away. Unless Congress acts to prevent all of those tax increases, 876,000 jobs could be lost. Heritage Action for America will work with the growing, bipartisan coalition in Congress to reject the Obama Tax Hikes and save those jobs. According to new research by The Heritage Foundation, allowing taxes to increase on small businesses, families and...

No Excuse to Push New Start in Lame Duck
Blog Articles

After the election in November, it is likely that the Obama Administration will attempt to ram the New START ("Strategic Arms Treaty") through the Senate in a lame duck session. As is widely known, Heritage Action has numerous problems with the treaty and is urging Senators to oppose the treaty's ratification. One of the arguments now being made by proponents of the treaty for a quick ratification is that our...

Gop Bracing for a Culture Shock
Blog Articles

Quietly, behind the scenes, the Republican Party is bracing itself for a culture shock. Current polling has principled conservative tea-party types leading in House and Senate races all across the country. If on November 2nd the pattern holds, the beltway establishment will be rocked. That prospect has many in the Republican Party scratching their heads wondering just how to deal with these newcomers. Major Garrett has a must-read run-down of...

It's Time to Make Gop Leaders Less Powerful
Blog Articles

As Election Day approaches, no outcome should be taken for granted, but it looks increasingly likely that Republicans will take control of the House, and perhaps even the Senate. For those who want to reform Congress, increased thought and planning needs to take place now because many decisions are made the very next week after the election when Republicans "organize." During these organization meetings, Republicans will elect their leadership for...

Release: Conservative Mandate
Press Releases

Conservative Mandate Heritage Action to Aggressively Push Conservative Agenda Washington—Heritage Action for America congratulates those newly elected conservative members and stands ready to work them on their conservative mandate. "Tonight's results mark a turning point in American politics," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "During the past decade, Americans witnessed a bipartisan tendency to spend too much, centralize control and minimize individual liberty. Americans rejected that philosophy tonight." "But...

Obamacare Update: Just 11 "No" Vote Democrats Survive
Blog Articles

This morning, The POLITICO looks at how Democrats who opposed Obamacare in the House fared in their reelection effort. According to exit polling, Obamacare was the second most important issue to voters and about half wanted the law repealed. Voting against the health care law may have saved a few moderate House Democrats who managed to survive an overwhelming Republican wave Tuesday night. Reps. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.), Larry Kissell (D-N.C.)...

Release: Conservative Mandate
Blog Articles

Conservative MandateHeritage Action to Aggressively Push Conservative Agenda Washington, D.C. - Heritage Action for America congratulates those newly elected conservative members and stands ready to work them on their conservative mandate. "Tonight's results mark a turning point in American politics," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "During the past decade, Americans witnessed a bipartisan tendency to spend too much, centralize control and minimize individual liberty. Americans rejected that philosophy...

Heritage Action Sends Direct Mail, Rallies Opposition on New Start
Press Releases

As reported in The Washington Times today, Heritage Action began sending mailers into ten targeted states, urging Senators to oppose President Obama's New START Treaty. Heritage Action's CEO Michael Needham told the Washington Times: We have serious policy concerns with President Obama's new START Treaty. For too long, senators have stood quietly on the sidelines, refusing to take a firm stand on the issue. Given the administration's desire to see...

Heritage Action Sends Direct Mail, Rallies Opposition on New Start
Blog Articles

As reported in The Washington Times today, Heritage Action began sending mailers into ten targeted states, urging Senators to oppose President Obama's New START Treaty. Heritage Action's CEO Michael Needham told the Washington Times: We have serious policy concerns with President Obama's new START Treaty. For too long, senators have stood quietly on the sidelines, refusing to take a firm stand on the issue. Given the administration's desire to see...

Local: Rep. Oberstar Cites Obamacare in Loss
Blog Articles

As both sides engage in non-stop post-election spin, Minnesota Democrat James Oberstar said his vote in favor of Obamacare might have contributed to his loss. He told reporters: I had to stand up for the right things, and I knew that in the health care vote lay the seeds of widespread dissension...This was our opportunity. Of course, the outgoing chairman of the House Transportation Committee showed no remorse for his...

New Start: How It Favors the Russians
Blog Articles

Editor's note: Late last week, Heritage Action began sending direct mail to ten states urging Senators to oppose the New START Treaty. Throughout the week, we'll examine the claims made in the mailer, one-by-one. Today, let's look at perhaps the most important claim we make in our mailer: Russian negotiators are good - perhaps better than our own. Yesterday, Heritage Action examined how New START limits America's missile defense systems...

Release: Heritage Action Condemns Reported New Start Deal
Press Releases

Heritage Action Condemns Reported New START Deal Washington Should Not Play Politics with National Security Washington—Late last week, the Obama administration submitted a new offer to Senate Republicans in a last-minute attempt to gain Republican support for ratification of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) during the Senate's Lame Duck session. "America's security cannot be viewed as some chit for nuclear modernization," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham...

Release: Heritage Action Condemns Reported New Start Deal
Blog Articles

Heritage Action Condemns Reported New START Deal Washington Should Not Play Politics with National Security Washington - Late last week, the Obama administration submitted a new offer to Senate Republicans in a last-minute attempt to gain Republican support for ratification of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) during the Senate's Lame Duck session. "America's security cannot be viewed as some chit for nuclear modernization," Heritage Action's CEO Michael...

Release: Heritage Action Praises Senator Voinovich's Principled Stand on New Start Treaty
Press Releases

Heritage Action Praises Senator Voinovich's Principled Stand on New START Treaty Urges Other Senators to Follow His Lead Washington—Earlier today, Ohio Senator John Voinovich expressed his reservations about the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). The Senator made it clear "political expediency" is not a valid justification "to rush" ratification and the Senate should view the treaty's implications "through a wider lens." "Senator Voinovich's comments on New START were...

Release: Heritage Action Praises Senator Voinovich's Principled Stand on New Start Treaty
Blog Articles

Heritage Action Praises Senator Voinovich's Principled Stand on New START Treaty Urges Other Senators to Follow His Lead Washington - Earlier today, Ohio Senator John Voinovich expressed his reservations about the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). The Senator made it clear "political expediency" is not a valid justification "to rush" ratification and the Senate should view the treaty's implications "through a wider lens." "Senator Voinovich's comments on New...