Press Releases · Jun 19, 2019 · Budget and Spending

Raising the Federal Budget Cap Would Fail the American People

Washington—Heritage Action released the following statement from Executive Director Tim Chapman in response to top leaders in Congress meeting today with the White House...

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Washington—Heritage Action released the following statement from Vice President Jessica Anderson: The Senate Appropriations Committee will mark up the White House’s request for $4....

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Washington—After bipartisan agreement and unanimous support from the House Ways and Means Committee in late April, Speaker Pelosi altered the Setting Every Community Up...

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Press Releases · May 21, 2019 · Budget and Spending

Backroom Budget Deals are Bad for America

Washington—Heritage Action released the following statement in response to reports that the Senate and House will soon reach a deal on spending levels: Reports...

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In May, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) introduced the Unauthorized Spending Accountability (USA) Act (H.R. 2505). This legislation would sunset appropriations for unauthorized “zombie”...

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Press Releases · May 16, 2019 · Immigration

President Trump’s Immigration Proposal Contains Necessary Reforms

Washington—Today, President Trump unveiled his plan to fix America’s broken immigration system. It contains many essential legal reforms needed to secure our borders and...

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