Nikki Haley Signs Heritage Action Police Pledge

Press Releases · Aug 27, 2020

Washington—Heritage Action for America today announced Nikki Haley, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN and Governor of South Carolina, has signed Heritage Action’s newly launched Police Pledge.

“I am proud to stand with our nation’s law enforcement,” said Haley. “Violence and calls to defund the police do nothing to solve the challenges we face in our country. It’s time for our leaders to stand up to looting and rioting and work with law enforcement, not against them. Thank you to Heritage Action for doing this important work to support the brave men and women who keep America safe,” she added.

The pledge calls on Americans to “stand with America’s Police and pledge to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to ‘Defund the Police.’” Heritage Action launched the pledge August 13 at a law enforcement town hall with Vice President Pence, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, and Senator Joni Ernst. The pledge has been signed by numerous elected officials, candidates for office, and over 25,000 citizens.

“We are grateful to Ambassador Haley for signing our pledge and standing up for America’s brave law enforcement,” said Jessica Anderson, Executive Director of Heritage Action. “As a former Governor, she knows firsthand how important safety and security are for every community. The anti-police rhetoric of the far Left has contributed to the wave of chaos and violence in our cities, and it is critical for every leader and every citizen to tell our police that we have their back.”

The pledge is one of Heritage Action’s initiatives as part of Fight for America, a multi-faceted campaign organized by Heritage Action and The Heritage Foundation, with each organization working to reinforce American values against far-left extremism. As part of Fight for America, Heritage Action also released new polling which found that 79% of respondents in battleground states oppose defunding the police.

The full pledge states:

A lawful society—free from mob rule and violent insurrection—is not possible without Law Enforcement.

Police Officers have chosen a noble profession. They dedicate their lives to upholding the law and protecting the sacred rights of their fellow citizens. As a profession, they deserve support and respect.

I stand with America’s Police and pledge to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to “Defund the Police.”

To sign the pledge or to ask your elected official to sign, visit