Press Releases · Jun 22, 2021 · Election Integrity

Heritage Action Key Votes NO on S. 2093, the “Corrupt Politicians Act”

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action key voted “NO” on the cloture vote on the motion to proceed to S. 2093, an amended version of...

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WASHINGTON — This morning, Executive Director Jessica Anderson joined Stuart Varney on Fox Business to introduce Heritage Action’s Reject Critical Race Theory E-Book. The...

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WASHINGTON — Today, the Michigan State Senate approved SB 285, 303, and 304, three measures that will require photo ID to vote in the...

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Press Releases · Jun 15, 2021 · Election Integrity

Texas Democrats Bring Election Myths to Washington

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a national conservative grassroots organization, today issued a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson calling out Congressional Democratic leadership for...

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Press Releases · Jun 14, 2021 · Election Integrity

Wisconsin Legislature Passes Strong Bill to Limit Private Election Funding

Washington—On Thursday, June 10, the Wisconsin legislature passed Assembly Bill 173, a bill to improve Wisconsin’s election procedures and mandate that any private funding...

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Heritage Action Grassroots Call for Immediate Special Session for Texas Election Integrity Bill Washington — Heritage Action, a national conservative grassroots organization, today issued...

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