Heritage Action Thanks Senators Who Voted NO on H.R. 4

Press Releases · Nov 3, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson responding to the Senate vote on H.R. 4, a bill that would centralize election power with the federal government.

H.R. 4 is a last-ditch effort by Democrats to put the federal government in charge of state elections by giving unelected bureaucrats in Washington new powers to undermine state laws. State legislatures should be able to create laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat without intimidation from the federal government.

It is disappointing to see Sen. Murkowski support this blatant power grab from Democrats, taking away power from the people of Alaska and handing control of Alaska’s elections to unelected, federal bureaucrats in Washington.

Thank you to the senators who rejected this unconstitutional bill to federalize elections and take power away from the states and the people. Heritage Action is proud to support the conservatives in Congress who are doing everything they can to stop the Left’s attack on the ballot box and prevent a federal takeover of states’ election processes.