Heritage Action Slams Biden-Pelosi Bailout of Coastal Elites

Press Releases · Nov 18, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a national conservative grassroots organization, released the following statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson regarding the upcoming vote on Biden’s so-called “Build Back Better” plan in the House:

The Left is seeking to fundamentally transform American society through Biden’s $1.75 trillion so-called “Build Back Better” bill. This bill is a monstrosity that will raise taxes on the middle class, bailout coastal elites in failing blue states, and fundamentally remake the American way of life.

While Americans are suffering through the highest inflation in 30 years, the bill will raise the taxes of the middle class starting in 2023, breaking Biden’s pledge not to raise taxes on those making under $400,000. Worse, it will only fuel inflation by pouring more deficit spending into the economy.

Meanwhile, Pelosi and Schumer added a $285 billion bailout to the bill in the form of a higher cap on the state and local taxes (SALT) deduction. While Americans pinch pennies to heat their homes and buy Christmas gifts, the bill would provide a massive tax write-off to rescue millionaires in high-tax states from their state governments’ fiscal insanity.

The bill is packed with similar provisions. From a $2 billion handout to trial lawyers to Tesla tax credits to a childcare package that would give families in Washington, D.C. 10 times more than those in Alabama, it’s clear the BBB is designed to help coastal elites at the expense of the American people. Congress must say no.


  • On Wednesday, Heritage Action announced a new $1.25 million TV ad campaign targeting five House Democrats over their support for the BBB, highlighting the bill’s change to the SALT deduction and benefit to wealthy residents of blue states.

  • A new Joint Committee on Taxation analysis found that the majority of new tax revenues in the BBB plan will be raised from those making under $400,000, while two-thirds of those making over $1 million a year will receive a net tax cut under the bill.

Heritage Action is a national grassroots organization with nearly two million grassroots activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our partner organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.