Heritage Action Targets House Democrats with $1.25M TV & Digital Ad Campaign Opposing SALT Deduction Change

Press Releases · Nov 16, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a national conservative grassroots organization, announced a $1.25 million TV and digital ad buy targeting five House Democrats over their support for raising the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap as part of Biden’s “Build Back Better” spending plan. The TV ads will air on broadcast and cable TV in the congressional districts of Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07), Cindy Axne (IA-03), Jared Golden (ME-02), Elissa Slotkin (MI-08), and Susie Lee (NV-03). $125,000 of the $1.25 million campaign will be reserved for digital.

Executive Director Jessica Anderson made the following statement:

“Democrats actively work to divide Americans along every conceivable line and then deliver campaign promises to certain Americans in those divisions. But behind closed doors, they work to pay off coastal elites in blue states. Their latest plan is to give $200 billion in blue state bailouts to their rich friends at the expense of all other Americans. This provision is just the latest of hundreds of dangerous and divisive elements of the Biden tax and spending agenda. Heritage Action will continue to hold liberal politicians accountable and expose their Build Back Broke agenda for what it truly is."

Excerpt from the 30-second ad:

“Nancy Pelosi slipped a big tax break for her wealthy friends into Biden’s bloated spending bill. The rich get tax breaks on their Hamptons beach houses and Malibu mansions. And you pay the bill. With crushing taxes on small businesses and skyrocketing inflation, raising prices for gas and groceries, the coastal elites get an insider sweetheart deal on their taxes, and you pay more.”


  • This month’s $1.25 million SALT deduction TV ad buy is the latest installment of Heritage Action’s $2 million+ cable, broadcast, and digital ad campaign aimed at opposing the Democrat’s Build Back Broke agenda.
    • In August, Heritage Action committed $860,000 to a digital ad campaign opposing Democrats’ healthcare takeover in the reconciliation package as a pay-for.

  • Throughout the months of August and September, Heritage Action, in collaboration with the Coalition to Protect American Workers, hosted state and national officials at local businesses across the country for the grassroots tour, Save Our Paychecks aimed at exposing how disastrous President Biden’s policies have been for the American worker, small business and family.

  • The Heritage Foundation: “Democrats Are Planning to Give Wealthy Taxpayers a Huge Windfall of Cash”
    • “The most recent version of the House’s reconciliation package includes a provision that would provide over $68,000 for each of the top 0.35% of tax filers in the U.S. and $45 for the bottom 81%.”

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