Greenville, SC -- Last night the Republican candidates stood side-by-side on stage at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA. In just 30 hours...

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Press Releases · Sep 15, 2015 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Social Issues

Reconciliation Gambit Won't Stop Planned Parenthood

Washington - Yesterday, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) suggested House Republican leaders are prepared to use the budget reconciliation process to defund...

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Washington -- Eleven candidates seeking the Republican nomination for president will attend Heritage Action's Take Back America candidate forum. The event, co-hosted by South...

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Press Releases · Sep 8, 2015 · Defense and National Security

Corker says Obama Violated Corker-Cardin Law on Iran

Washington - Today, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) - the co-author of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, commonly referred to as Corker-Cardin - acknowledged...

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Press Releases · Sep 7, 2015 · Defense and National Security

Roskam seeks to delay Iran vote, expose side deals

Washington - This afternoon, Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) raised a question of the privileges of the House of Representatives to demand access to two...

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Press Releases · Aug 27, 2015 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Social Issues

We Already Know Enough to Defund Planned Parenthood

Washington - According to reports, Republican congressional leaders are "desperate" to avoid "a showdown over Planned Parenthood funding." Instead, they would rather conduct a...

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