Chairman CHAFFETZ: Schedule a markup on the First Amendment Defense Act

Press Releases · Jul 4, 2016

Washington -- Next Tuesday, The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) will have a hearing on the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). Chairman Jason Chaffetz must now take the next step by having a committee markup of the legislation before it can go to a full vote on the House floor.

Since the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, religious institutions and individuals are being pushed out of civil society for holding to their religious beliefs in traditional marriage. The First Amendment Defense Act protects individuals and organizations who uphold traditional beliefs of marriage. The bill now has 171 co-sponsors, and its success in committee is not in question with 23 of the 25 OGR members publically committed as cosponsored.

Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"It is imperative that we protect religious liberty for all Americans by passing the First Amendment Defense Act. It is unacceptable that Chairman Chaffetz and Republican leaders have not prioritized consideration of FADA. The bill must be marked up before the Republican House Majority leaves for a seven week recess.
"Our nation was founded on religious liberty, and that liberty is now at risk. This is not a time for inaction -- Chairman Chaffetz must take a stand and schedule a markup on FADA in the next two weeks."