Heritage Action Praises Tax Reform Task Force

Press Releases · Jun 23, 2016

Washington - Today, the House Republican's tax reform task force released its policy recommendations. Last December, Speaker Paul D. Ryan promised to "show what we would do, what our ideal policy would be." Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"House Republicans' new tax plans shows how far the party has come on tax reform in recent years. Gone are the arbitrary restraints that hindered efforts both inside and outside Congress. The Task Force's plan identifies and addresses the key problems in our tax code -- moving towards a consumption-based system by reducing double taxation on American families' savings and investments, unshackling small businesses from high pass-through rates, allowing all businesses to fully expense new investments, and instituting a territorial system for international businesses, all while lowering rates across the board. Heritage Action looks forward to working with House Republicans on tax policies that provide Opportunity for All and Favoritism to None."