House Votes Yes, Propels Tax Reform Forward

Press Releases · Nov 15, 2017

Washington—Today, the House passed its version of a sweeping overhaul of our nation’s tax code, moving our nation one step closer to achieving major reform for the first time in more than three decades. Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

“House Republicans should be proud of the work they’ve done to move tax reform forward. Since the last major update to our nation’s tax code in 1986, lawmakers from both parties have talked about providing relief to families and made repeated promises to help Americans keep more of their hard-earned dollars. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has paved the way to achieve just that, and marks a critical step in the legislative process.
“While there is more work ahead to ensure strong tax reform becomes a reality for the American people, the House bill makes substantial strides in simplifying the code, lowering rates, helping workers and small business owners, and unleashing growth. All taxpayers have reason to be optimistic for the future of our economy."