Press Releases · Mar 29, 2017 · Healthcare

GOP Cannot "Just Hang Up" on Calls to Repeal Obamacare

Washington—According to reports, efforts to bring together the diverse House Republican Conference fell apart yesterday. Today, Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) told National Journal that...

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Press Releases · Mar 23, 2017 · Healthcare

AHCA: A Disaster on Policy, Process and Politics

Washington—After years of pledging to repeal Obamacare, House Republicans will vote on the American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628) today. The bill would partially...

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Press Releases · Mar 23, 2017 · Healthcare

House Resets Obamacare Repeal Debate

Washington—This afternoon, the House cancelled a scheduled vote on the American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628). The bill would partially repeal and partially amend...

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Press Releases · Mar 15, 2017 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security

Trump's Big League Conservative Budget Request

Washington—This morning, President Donald Trump's administration unveiled the outlines of an America First Budget. The administration's budget request calls for roughly a 10 percent...

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Press Releases · Mar 15, 2017 · Healthcare

Heritage Action Praises Brat, Palmer, and Sanford

Washington—This morning, Reps. David Brat, Gary Palmer and Mark Sanford voted against the American Health Care Act (AHCA) in the House Budget Committee because...

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Press Releases · Mar 6, 2017 · Healthcare

GOP Plan Fails to Move Past Obamacare's Progressive Promise

Washington—Monday evening, House Republican leaders released text of their long-anticipated American Health Care Act (AHCA). Despite widespread conservative criticism and the lack of score...

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