Senate Republicans Should Not Weaken Pro-Growth Tax Reform

Press Releases · Nov 30, 2017

Washington—Today, the Senate is expected to begin vote-a-rama on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1). Throughout the week, numerous proposals have been floated to erode pro-growth elements of the tax reform proposal that passed out of the Senate Finance Committee. Heritage Action released the following statement from Vice President Dan Holler:

Senate Republicans are on the verge of passing historic tax reform and must resist the urge to weaken the most pro-growth provisions in the current tax plan. Heritage Action fully supports the Senate tax plan as passed by the Senate Finance Committee and will continue to work with Congress to make sure any final tax reform plan spurs economic growth, increases wages for American workers, and creates jobs.

Multiple key votes are possible throughout the amendment process. Because the rules governing the Senate’s budget consideration are complex, amendment votes often occur without notice. As a result, Heritage Action may not release key votes in advance during the vote-a-rama. Follow Heritage Action on Twitter throughout the debate to get information on pending amendments.


Heritage Action: After Months of Inaction, Senate Republicans Must Seize Chance to Pass Tax Reform