As both sides engage in non-stop post-election spin, Minnesota Democrat James Oberstar said his vote in favor of Obamacare might have contributed to his loss. He told reporters:
I had to stand up for the right things, and I knew that in the health care vote lay the seeds of widespread dissension...This was our opportunity.
Of course, the outgoing chairman of the House Transportation Committee showed no remorse for his vote. Interestingly, despite his passion for the issue (he's been fighting for "Health Care for All" since 1974"), he did not tout it during the campaign.
But now it is time to look forward... As Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said in The Hill's Congress Blog:
Heritage Action for America stands ready to work with the politicians who are coming to Washington to deliver on their conservative mandate. If they're committed to advancing conservative policies and regaining the trust of the American people, we are prepared to help. However, if they hesitate, Heritage Action will take the conservative case directly to their constituents. As we saw in 2010, whether through a primary or lost seat, the American people are ready for change in Washington and tired of waiting.
It's time to take action and get to work.