Release: Missourians Reject Obamacare

Press Releases · Aug 3, 2010

Ballot Initiative Disallows Key Pillar of New Law

Washington—On Tuesday, voters in Missouri approved Proposition C, a ballot measure prohibiting governments from requiring individuals to purchase health insurance. The first-of-its-kind ballot initiative undercuts a key provision of Obamacare and provides additional momentum to the growing repeal effort in Congress.

"Tonight, the people of Missouri sent a clear message to the liberal establishment in Washington," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "The federal government's power is not limitless. It cannot compel individuals to buy a product or service. It is time our Representatives in Washington read and understood our Constitution."

"Last month, I spoke to 400 patients in Missouri," Needham continued. "They were afraid Obamacare would increase costs, decrease care and get between them and their doctors. Their concerns are well founded, which is why a majority of Americans favor repealing Obamacare."

In June, Heritage Action for America launched a national campaign to repeal Obamacare. Since then, 170 U.S. House Representatives have signed onto Discharge Petition #11, which would force a vote on repealing the unpopular new law. If the petition garners 218 signatures, it would force the House to vote on repealing Obamacare.

Representatives Todd Akin, Roy Blunt, Jo Ann Emerson, Sam Graves and Blaine Luetkemeyer have signed Discharge Petition #11. Despite voting against Obamacare in March, Representative Ike Skelton has yet to sign onto the repeal effort.

"Unfortunately, Representative Skelton has been absent from the fight to repeal this intolerable act. A serious repeal effort is gaining momentum in the House, and Representative Skelton should be part of that effort," Needham added.

Missouri will not escape the burden of Obamacare. In 2014, Medicaid/CHIP enrollment will increase by 30.8 percent. Between 2014 and 2020, that will cost the state $524.4 million. With a $730 million budget deficit in FY2011, Missouri may be forced to raise taxes.

In the coming weeks and months, Heritage Action will engage in grassroots advocacy to educate Members of Congress and their constituents about the problems with Obamacare. Heritage Action will target Members of Congress at home in their districts and in Washington, DC with paid issue advertisements, local grassroots activity, online activist tools and earned media.

For more information on how Heritage Action plans to repeal Obamacare, visit