Press Releases · Jan 25, 2015 · Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security, Immigration

House Pulls McCaul Border Bill

Washington -- The House was scheduled to consider the Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015 (H.R. 399), introduced by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)...

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Press Releases · Jan 13, 2015 · Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security, Immigration

House Votes to Stop Obama's, Dangerous Unlawful Amnesty

Washington - Today, the House passed a bill (H.R. 240) to fund the Department of Homeland Security and roll back President Obama's dangerous and...

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Press Releases · Dec 12, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Senate to Vote on Obama's Unconstitutional Amnesty

Washington - The Senate is likely to vote on the legitimacy of President Obama's unilateral, unlawful actions, which include granting quasi-legal status, work permits...

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Press Releases · Dec 3, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Regulation

Conservatives to Congress: Don't Lard Up the NDAA

Yesterday, Heritage Action, Concerned Women for America and eight other groups sent a letter to the House members: Instead of focusing on our national...

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Press Releases · Sep 24, 2014 · Defense and National Security

On Lame Duck, Heritage Action Agrees with Boehner

Washington -- Today, House Speaker John Boehner told the New York Times that Congress should not act on an authorization for use of military...

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Press Releases · Sep 10, 2014 · Defense and National Security

Authorizing the Training of Syrian Rebels Shouldn't Be Part of the CR (UPDATED)

Washington -- Today, Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, backtracked on comments regarding President Obama's request to include language that...

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