Press Releases · Jul 30, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Heritage Action Statement on Border and DACA

Washington - Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham: "Over the past couple days, the President's unlawful executive...

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Press Releases · Jul 22, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Heritage Action Reviewing House Border Proposal

Washington -- Earlier today, the House Border Crisis Working Group unveiled its recommendations to address the growing number of unaccompanied children and other unlawful...

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Press Releases · Jun 29, 2014 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security

Heritage Action Supports Chairman Miller, Urges Fiscally Responsible Approach to VA

Washington -- Although lawmakers are home for their Fourth of July recess, House and Senate negotiators continue working toward an agreement to revamp the...

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Press Releases · May 13, 2014 · Defense and National Security

Amnesty Politics Poison Defense Bill

Washington -- Today, Heritage Action announced it would key vote against the National Defense Authorization Act if the ENLIST Act (H.R. 2377), which is...

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Press Releases · May 5, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Heritage Action to Key Vote Against ENLIST Act

Washington - Today, Heritage Action announced it would key vote against Rep. Jeff Denham's (R-CA) ENLIST Act (H.R. 2377) if it or any similar...

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Press Releases · Mar 24, 2014 · Defense and National Security

Reid Ditches Obama's Controversial IMF Reforms

Washington - This afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced the Senate would jettison President Obama's controversial IMF "reforms," which were included in...

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