Republicans Fail on Obamacare, Again

Press Releases · Sep 25, 2017

Washington—This afternoon, Senate Republicans announced they would not vote on the Obamacare overhaul sponsored by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.). Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"With today's announcement, it appears that many Americans will remain stuck with Obamacare, at least for the time being. As Republicans shift their legislative efforts to much-needed tax reform, they must not accept Obamacare as settled law and promise Americans they will push to repeal the law in the near future. The urgency for meaningful action will only increase as networks continue to narrow, premiums continue to rise and choices continue to decline.
"Some lawmakers will reflexively demand a 'bipartisan market stabilization' in response to Obamacare's deteriorating markets. That is unacceptable, and Heritage Action will oppose efforts to prop up the failing law. Repealing and, ultimately, replacing Obamacare will eventually require moderate Republicans to come to the table and follow through on their repeated campaign promises."