Press Releases · Sep 14, 2016 · Healthcare

Congress Should Not Bail Out Obamacare

Washington - According to reports, health insurance groups are lobbying to extend Obamacare "programs - either reinsurance or risk corridors - that end this...

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Press Releases · Sep 8, 2016 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending

Republican House Should Say No to McConnell, Reid on Lame Duck

Washington -- This morning, the House Republican Conference will meet to discuss a path forward on a continuing resolution. According to reports, Senate...

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Press Releases · Sep 6, 2016 · Infrastructure

Senate WRDA Bill Creates New Programs, Lacks Reforms

Washington -- The Senate is expected to vote to proceed to consideration of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (S. 2848). For the...

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Press Releases · Aug 29, 2016 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending

No Lame Duck

Washington -- Lawmakers are contemplating a path forward on the federal government's discretionary spending, which will expire in 32 days. Heritage Action released the...

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Washington -- This morning, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) released his Online Sales Simplification Act of 2016. Heritage Action released the following...

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Washington -- This morning, Heritage Action launched a new website -- -- that will put forward the conservative policy battle plan to counter...

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