Cloture on the Nomination of Thomas Perez to Serve as Secretary of Labor
This vote enabled the Senate to consider the nomination of Thomas Perez to serve as Secretary of Labor.
This vote enabled the Senate to consider the nomination of Thomas Perez to serve as Secretary of Labor.
This vote enabled the Senate to consider Richard Cordray to be the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Although the bill does not contain the $750 billion in food stamp spending like the previous FARRM Act, it does nothing to make “meaningful reforms” to America’s farm policy. Even worse, the bill would make permanent farm policies – like the sugar program – that harm consumers and taxpayers alike.
Rep. Tom McClintock’s (R-CA) amendment would reduce funding in three accounts at the Department of Energy, saving taxpayers more than $1.5 billion. The amendment would reduce the Office of Renewable Energy, Energy Reliability, and Efficiency account by $731,600,000 and the Office of Nuclear Energy account by $362,329,000. It would also strikes funding for the Fossil Energy Research and Development account, which is set at $450,000,000.
Tomorrow, Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) will make the case for separating the food stamp and farm bill. Not only will he provide a conservative perspective, but he will also speak from experience. His family has been in the farming business for four generations. Heritage explains: Stutzman, a fourth-generation farmer from Indiana, will speak at The Bloggers Briefing on Tuesday about his #SplitTheBill campaign. The Bloggers Briefing begins at 11:30 a.m...
Washington - Tomorrow, the House Rules Committee will consider a farm-only farm bill. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham: "The purpose of ending the unholy alliance that has dominated the food stamp and farm bill for decades is to allow substantive debate that would allow the House to show its conservative values. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than a naked attempt to get...
Amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations Act of 2013
Guest Post by Chris Jacobs, The Heritage Foundation Given last week's devastating announcement that the Administration cannot implement Obamacare's employer mandate next year without costing jobs, many conservatives have pondered the best course of action for Congress to take in response. The strategic options are many, but the choice should be clear: Congress should refuse to spend a single dime implementing this law. For instance, some have called for repealing...
Washington - Today, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA) introduced the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013, which would defund the controversial and unworkable law in its entirety. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham: "Sen. Cruz and Rep. Graves have introduced their defund Obamacare bill at a critical time. The Administration's announcement last week that they cannot implement Obamacare's employer mandate...
The Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 (S.1292), introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), would defund Obamacare to prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to implement the law. Specifically, the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 deauthorizes any Obamacare appropriations and rescinds prior appropriations that would implement any provision under Obamacare, while also halting any entitlements created by the law.
The Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 (H.R.2682), introduced by Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA), would defund Obamacare to prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to implement the law. Specifically, the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 deauthorizes any Obamacare appropriations and rescinds prior appropriations that would implement any provision under Obamacare, while also halting any entitlements created by the law.
"NO" on Permanent Farm Bill
Conservative Action ProjectMemo for the Movement The Conservative Action Project, chaired by former Attorney General Edwin Meese and former Congressman David McIntosh, is designed to facilitate conservative leaders working together on behalf of common goals. Participants include the CEO's of over 100 organizations representing all major elements of the conservative movement-economic, social and national security. Congress Must Stop the Obama Court-Packing Plan Current Event: President Obama is seeking to add...
POLICY AND TECHNICAL "What do you mean by defunding Obamacare?" Defunding Obamacare means attaching a legislative rider to a "must pass" bill (debt limit, annual spending bill, etc.) that 1) prohibits any funds from being spent on any activities to implement or enforce Obamacare; 2) rescinds any unspent balances that have already been appropriated for implementation; and 3) turns off the exchange subsidy and new Medicaid spending that are on...
"NO" on the Nomination of Richard Cordray
Washington - Tomorrow, the House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing on the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners (PATH) Act of 2013, which would create a sustainable housing finance system. Heritage Action released the following statement: There are few entities more responsible for the collapse of the financial system than Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The PATH Act would completely dissolve Fannie and Freddie and take a substantial step...
Surely there are some large, wealthy, corporate farms eagerly awaiting taxpayer funded subsidies embedded in the House and Senate farm bills - and the new, more expensive subsidies those bills would put in place. This is evident from the $1,381,134 already spent by the American Farm Bureau lobbying Congress in 2013. But what do small farmers have to say? A small farmer in Colorado says that the farm bill is...
"NO" on the Nomination of Fred Hochberg
"NO" on the nomination of Thomas Perez for Labor Secretary
"YES" on the Scalise-Bishop Amendment #12 to the Student Success Act