Memo for the Movement: Congress Must Stop the Obama Court-Packing Plan

Press Releases · Jul 11, 2013

Conservative Action Project
Memo for the Movement

The Conservative Action Project, chaired by former Attorney General Edwin Meese and former Congressman David McIntosh, is designed to facilitate conservative leaders working together on behalf of common goals. Participants include the CEO's of over 100 organizations representing all major elements of the conservative movement-economic, social and national security.

Congress Must Stop the Obama Court-Packing Plan

Current Event:

President Obama is seeking to add three new judges to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, one of the most important but most underworked courts in the country. The move is a transparent attempt to evade our traditional system of checks and balances, turning an evenly divided court into a political rubber stamp for overreaching executive orders and agency actions.


  • Congress should pass legislation to reduce the size of the D.C. Circuit to fit its actual workload. Legislation to this effect has been introduced by Senator Charles Grassley in the Senate and Rep. Tom Cotton in the House.
  • The Senate must reject any new nominee to the D.C. Circuit, regardless of that nominee's party, background, or philosophy.

Issue in Brief:

The D.C. Circuit's workload has been in consistent decline in the last decade. According to United States Courts statistics, the number of pending appeals in the D.C. Circuit declined more than 10% between September 2005 and September 2012. There has also been a significant decline (more than 14%) in the number of cases filed in the D.C. Circuit. In fact, the court's workload is now so low that it is not uncommon for the court to cancel argument dates because there are not enough cases.

But the court, which is largely responsible for reviewing the actions of the ever-growing administrative state, has served as one of the most effective checks on President Obama and his extreme agenda. According to liberal activist Nan Aron, "The court is critically important - the majority has made decisions that have frustrated the president's agenda." President Obama and his Democratic allies have been especially hostile to the D.C. Circuit since it invalidated his non-recess appointments to the NLRB, after he tried to circumvent the constitution's advice and consent process. Similarly, the court has been criticized by liberals for invalidating a burdensome and illegal EPA rule which would have shut down power plants and increased American energy costs.

Federal courts have been a very low priority for most of President Obama's tenure. But he has learned that a court that abides by the Constitution and traditional legal principles is a serious threat to his plan to insulate the administrative state from accountability. Here are just a few examples of cases President Obama would like to see decided by a politically motivated D.C. Circuit:

  • The lawsuit filed recently by a group of small business owners in six states seeking to invalidate a key IRS regulation imposed by Obamacare.
  • A constitutional challenge to Dodd-Frank, the massive bill that institutionalized taxpayer funded bailouts for big banks.
  • A challenge to the HHS contraceptive mandate, which forces religious organizations to violate their deeply held religious beliefs, or pay crippling fines.
  • Lawsuits challenging EPA regulations designed to stop fracking, the oil and gas extraction technique that has yielded a significant decrease in energy costs.
  • Lawsuits against IRS officials who wrongfully targeted American citizens because of their viewpoints.

To guarantee the desired political outcome in such cases, President Obama seeks to do exactly what President Franklin Roosevelt did when his agenda faced constitutional problems in the Supreme Court: pack the court with allies who will decide cases on the basis of politics instead of the Constitution and traditional legal principles. Or, as Senator Chuck Schumer put it, Democrats "will fill up the D.C. Circuit one way or another."

One way they plan to "fill up the D.C. Circuit" is to put pressure on Republican Senators who fear that Majority Leader Harry Reid will use this opportunity to abolish the filibuster, destroying the minority party's ability to debate important legislation. But no Senator should fall for that trap. Republicans have treated President Obama's judicial nominees fairly, confirming more than 111 of them during the 112th Congress, more than during any other Congress in 20 years. According to President Obama, his nominees have waited "three times longer to receive confirmation votes than those of my Republican predecessors." But that is simply not true. During his entire first term, President Obama's appellate nominees waited an average of 240 days from nomination to confirmation. By contrast, President George W. Bush's nominees waited an average of 283, and some waited for years.

No spin on the statistics will make it any easier for President Obama or Senator Reid to prove the existence of a crisis, because none exists. This is nothing more than a transparent attempt to evade our traditional system of checks and balances, turning an evenly divided court into a political rubber stamp for overreaching executive orders and agency actions. It must be stopped.


The Honorable Edwin Meese III
Former Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan

The Honorable David McIntosh
Former U.S. Representative

Mike Needham
Heritage Action for America

Tony Perkins
Family Research Council

Grover Norquist
Americans for Tax Reform

Brent Bozell

Colin Hanna
Let Freedom Ring

David Bossie
Citizens United

Phyllis Schlafly
Founder and President
Eagle Forum

The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Constitutional Congress, Inc.

The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.
Former Counselor to the U.S. Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan

The Honorable Alfred S. Regnery
Former Publisher
The American Spectator

William L Walton
Rappahannock Ventures LLC

Bob Reccord
Executive Director
Council for National Policy

Morton Blackwell
The Weyrich Lunch

Heather Higgins
Independent Women's Forum

Kellyanne Conway
The Polling Company

Carrie Severino
Chief Counsel and Policy Director
Judicial Crisis Network

Gary Bauer
American Values

Mathew D. Staver
Liberty Counsel Action

Jim Martin
60 Plus Association

Nathan Mehrens
Americans for Limited Government

Duane Parde
National Taxpayers Union

Gary Aldrich
CNP Action, Inc.

Judson Phillips
Tea Party Nation

Gary Marx
Executive Director
Faith & Freedom Coalition

Phillip Jauregui
Judicial Action Group

Frank Cannon
American Principles Project

Curt Levey
The Committee for Justice

Jim Ryun
The Madison Project

Phil Kerpen
American Commitment

Tom Winter

Tim Wildmon
American Family Association

Raymond J. LaJeunesse, Jr.
Vice President & Legal Director
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Inc.

Susan Carleson
American Civil Rights Union

Andrea Lafferty
Traditional Values Coalition

Lewis Uhler
National Tax Limitation Committee

Mario H. Lopez
Hispanic Leadership Fund

Craig Shirley
Reagan Campaign Biographer

Rev. Lou Sheldon
Traditional Values Coalition

Lee Beaman
Nashville, TN

Angelo M. Codevilla
Professor Emeritus
Boston University

Tom Donelson
America's PAC

Kay R. Daly
Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Ralph Benko
Center for Civic Virtue

Andresen Blom
Senior Strategist
Center for Civic Virtue

C. Preston Noell III President
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Dan Bongino
Candidate for Congress

George Landrith
Frontiers of Freedom

Gene Mills
Louisiana Family Forum

Mike Stenhouse
Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity

Richard Viguerie

Elaine Donnelly
Center for Military Readiness

Larry Cirignano
Faithful Catholic Citizens

Jim Backlin
Christian Coalition of America

Bob Adams
Revive America USA

Dr. William Greene

Paul Caprio
Family PAC Federal

Sandy Rios
Vice President
Family PAC Federal

Melissa Ortiz
Able Americans

Catherine Engelbrecht
True the Vote

(All organizations listed for identification purposes only.)