Heritage Action Praises Arizona Effort to Fight Biden’s Border Crisis

Press Releases · Jun 4, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Arizonans, released the following statement from Arizona State Director Nathan Duell commending the Arizona Legislature’s passage of HCR 2060, legislation that combats the ongoing crisis at America’s borders:

“Thanks to Joe Biden’s open border policies, American jobs and families are threatened every day by the constant influx of illegal aliens invading the United States. Arizona is one of the many states fighting back. HCR 2060 gives Arizonans the chance to vote to protect jobs, stop taxpayer funds from going to non-citizens, and empower law enforcement to keep our communities safe.

“Heritage Action applauds Speaker Toma and the Arizona Legislature for taking bold action to address Americans’ top concern. We look forward to this legislation reaching voters in November and urge them to vote for commonsense border security at the ballot box.”

Due to the catastrophe at the border caused by the Biden administration, the number of Americans who support tougher immigration restrictions has been steadily increasing. Three-fourths of Americans—a bipartisan majority—now believe the situation at the border is ‘a crisis’ or ‘very serious,’ while only 7% view it as ‘not much of a problem.’

Heritage Action strongly supports H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, as the only federal solution to secure the border and ending the Biden-designed crisis that’s exacerbating the drug, crime, and cost of living crises facing the country.