Heritage Action Praises AZ House for Fighting Illegal Immigration, Protecting American Workers

Press Releases · Feb 22, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a grassroots conservative organization with two million activists, including thousands of Arizonans, released the following statement from Arizona State Director Nathan Duell commending the Arizona House’s passage of HCR 2060, a concurrent resolution that protects Arizona jobs and curbs the flow of illegal immigration by mandating the use of E-Verify:

“For years, the federal government has prioritized illegal immigrants over Arizonans, bowing to Left-wing activists to open our borders at the expense of American jobs, communities, and families. Enough is enough—Arizona has every right to fight back. HCR 2060 protects American workers through the commonsense E-Verify program and stems the flow of illegal immigrants by taking away a major magnet for those flooding across the border.

“Heritage Action applauds the Arizona House and Speaker Ben Toma for putting Arizonans first and passing HCR 2060. We look forward to working alongside our grassroots network in Arizona as HCR 2060 heads to the Senate and on to voters in November.”

Since President Joe Biden took office in 2021, more than 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the country, exceeding the total population of Arizona and costing taxpayers in the Grand Canyon State $2.3 billion per year. Three-fourths of Americans—a bipartisan majority—now believe the situation at the border is ‘a crisis’ or ‘very serious,’ while only 7% view it as ‘not much of a problem.’

At the federal level, Heritage Action strongly supports H.R. 2, which would mandate E-Verify nationwide, as the only solution to securing the border and ending the Biden-designed chaos that’s exacerbating the drug, crime, and cost of living crises facing the country.