Fight Finished: Heritage Action Applauds State Legislators Who Voted to Secure Texas’ Elections

Press Releases · Aug 31, 2021

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson released the following statement applauding Texas lawmakers for passing S.B. 1, the state’s election integrity law.

On behalf of Heritage Action’s 120,000 conservative activists fighting for election integrity in Texas, Heritage Action extends a THANK YOU to Senator Bryan Hughes, Representative Andrew Murr, and the state legislators who finished the fight to pass S.B. 1 and make it easy to vote and hard to cheat in the Lone Star State.

Despite Texas Democrats’ campaign of smear tactics and P.R. stunts against S.B. 1, Texans have made it clear that they want their elections secure and safeguarded. Heritage Action looks forward to Governor Abbott’s signature on these reforms that will give every Texan the confidence that their vote is protected and Texas elections are fair and secure.


  • S.B. 1 includes reforms to strengthen election integrity like voter I.D. requirements for mail-in ballots, protections against ballot harvesting and voter intimidation, and safeguards for poll watchers.

  • In June, Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson and Sen. Ted Cruz called on Texas lawmakers to “finish the election integrity fight” in an op-ed that originally appeared in the Houston Chronicle.

  • In April, Heritage Action Regional Coordinator Rebekah Warwick said “lawmakers in Austin should be applauded” for their efforts to ensure fairness and transparency in elections in an op-ed for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

  • Heritage Action released a statement in June calling out Congressional Democratic leadership for bringing the Texas Democrats who blocked the passage of Texas’ election integrity bill, S.B. 7, to Washington to lobby for H.R. 1 and S. 1.

  • Hundreds of Heritage Action Sentinels registered and testified in support of election integrity reforms during the Texas 87th legislative session, first special session, and second special session.

  • Heritage Action invested an initial $10 million into a campaign to support election integrity laws across eight states, including Texas.

  • Heritage Action Sentinels and grassroots activists have worked hard to advance election laws in the state and have testified at legislative hearings in support of the legislation.

  • Heritage Action ran a digital ad campaign to educate grassroots supporters about the bill. Read Heritage Action's Myth vs. Fact Sheet debunking the false narrative surrounding election integrity legislation in Texas.