Press Releases · Nov 19, 2019 · Budget and Spending

Another Continuing Resolution is a Precursor to a Bad Omnibus Bill

Washington—In response to Congress’s decision to vote on another continuing resolution, Heritage Action for America released the following statement from Executive Director Tim Chapman...

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Washington — Heritage Action for America released the following statement by Executive Director Tim Chapman in response to the House's vote to continue an...

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Press Releases · Oct 29, 2019 · Budget and Spending, Social Issues

Senate Should Oppose Pro-Abortion Shaheen Amendment

Washington — Heritage Action for America released the following statement by Executive Director Tim Chapman in regards to a new amendment to appropriations legislation...

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Press Releases · Oct 5, 2019 · Healthcare, Immigration

Heritage Action Applauds President's Executive Action on Immigration

Washington — Heritage Action for America released the following statement by Executive Director Tim Chapman in regards to yesterday’s announcement by the Trump Administration...

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Press Releases · Sep 12, 2019 · Budget and Spending

Principles for Congressional Appropriations

Washington—Heritage Action for America released the following statement by Executive Director Tim Chapman, responding to ongoing negotiations over appropriations in Congress: As Congress continues...

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Washington—Yesterday, members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) elected Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) as the committee's next chairman. Heritage Action for America released the...

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