Washington - Tonight, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley delivered the official Republican response to President Obama's final State of the Union speech. Heritage Action...

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Washington - Today, Newsmax unveiled its annual Most Influential Republicans 30 and Under list, which included Heritage Action's grassroots director Jessica Anderson. Heritage Action...

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Press Releases · Jan 10, 2016

Stop Confirming Obama's Judicial Nominees

Washington - This afternoon, the Senate is scheduled to vote on the nomination of Luis Felipe Restrepo to serve as a judge on the...

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Press Releases · Dec 15, 2015 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Congress Dumps $1.1 Trillion Omnibus on Lawmakers, American People at 2 AM

Washington - Shortly before midnight, congressional leaders unveiled a 233-page tax extenders package that represents the most significant changes to our nation's convoluted tax...

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Washington -- The federal government has prohibited states and localities from imposing a tax on Internet access since 1998. A provision included in the...

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Washington - Today, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) outlined his vision for a conservative governing agenda in a speech at the Library of Congress. Heritage...

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