Press Releases · Jul 12, 2016 · Social Issues

House Committee Hearing on Protecting Religious Liberty (H.R. 2802)

Washington -- On Tuesday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on the First Amendment Defense Act (H.R. 2802), authored by...

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Washington -- Next Tuesday, The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) will have a hearing on the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA)...

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Press Releases · Jun 28, 2016 · Defense and National Security, Social Issues

Ben Sasse: Don't Hinder Military with Culture Wars

Washington - Earlier this month, the Senate included a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would force young women between the...

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Press Releases · Jun 23, 2016 · Taxes

Heritage Action Praises Tax Reform Task Force

Washington - Today, the House Republican's tax reform task force released its policy recommendations. Last December, Speaker Paul D. Ryan promised to "show what...

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Press Releases · Jun 21, 2016 · Healthcare

Heritage Action Responds to Health Care Task Force

Washington - Today, the House Republican's health care task force released its policy recommendations. Last December, Speaker Paul D. Ryan promised to "show what...

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Press Releases · Jun 20, 2016 · Regulation , Social Issues

Collins Gun Bill Erodes Constitutional Rights at the Discretion of the Government

Washington -- Today, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is set to unveil a bill that would empower the attorney general to deny gun sales to...

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