Press Releases · Jun 28, 2017 · Healthcare

GOP Considering Cruz "Freedom Option"

Washington—According to a Bloomberg News report, "Senate Republican leaders are considering a proposal by Senator Ted Cruz that would allow insurers to sell cheaper...

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Press Releases · Jun 27, 2017 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Taxes

Committee Chairman's Unwillingness to Cut Spending Delays Budget Process and Threatens Tax Reform

Washington—The House Budget Committee postponed plans to unveil and markup the 2018 fiscal year budget resolution that would have provided a blueprint to save...

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Press Releases · Jun 20, 2017 · Healthcare

Heritage Action to Review Senate's Obamacare Bill

Washington—Senate Republicans are expected to unveil a "discussion draft" of significant changes to the House-passed American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628). Senate Majority Leader...

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Press Releases · Jun 12, 2017 · Taxes

Phased-in Border Adjustment Tax Plan is a Non-starter

Washington—According to reports, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) "floated a five-year phase-in to his controversial 'border adjustment' idea on Tuesday...

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Washington—President Trump is set to announce his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement today, following through on a key campaign promise. Heritage...

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Washington—According to reports, House Republicans plan to remove language repealing the so-called Durbin Amendment from the Financial CHOICE Act (H.R. 10). The Durbin Amendment...

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